Monday, July 13, 2009

4th of July

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted here...things have been crazy to say the least, and there just don't seem to be enough hours in the day to accomplish all of the things I need to do. Blogging seems to be one of the many things that have taken a back seat, and for that I am sorry, as this particular blog also serves as my mothering journal.

We went to a local "park" this year in Litchfield and braved all ants, 110° heat, lack of entertainment...and came out with a few good memories to record.
We made shirts to mark the occasion, sadly I can't see that Paige wore hers when I snapped her picture. Paige's said "Fouth of July" with a flag, Jadyn's (made by me) had stars and fireworks...and Coleton's, well, I'm still not sure what his was. Originally, it was supposed to be fireworks (at least, that's what he drew as a blueprint), but when he saw that there was also GLOW IN THE DARK paint, that was pretty much all he used. Boys.

Anyway, we had fun eating icies and playing with a beach ball, but I was very disappointed that there weren't more activities there to entertain the kids while they waited for the show. I guess it's just another reminder how poor the economy is right now, and I should just be thankful that there even WAS a show to attend. Even though it was only about 10-15 minutes long, most neighboring cities didn't even have one.

Jadyn Dancing to Music, showing off her shirt:
Jadyn's EYES...O..M..G....

Coleton sporting his new "do" (shaved off the mowhawk) and "duds":

Jadyn being patriotic during the Star Spangled Banner (she was so HOT, thus the look):
Paige and all her beauty:
Coleton being...well....Coleton:
Poor hot baby. This was right before we got snow cones:
Beautiful moon.
Jet fly over
Pretty sunset

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

You did a great job with those firework pictures! love them!

And what cute pictures of your family. Looks like a wonderful celebration together!!! (p.s. HOW, HOW, HOW do you live in Arizona? WAAAAAY to hot for me!)