Call me crazy, but I love jury duty. I do, really. I love knowing that I could have a say in the judicial system...a part in making things right in the world. An opportunity to protect the wrongfully accused, or punish a guilty offender. Perhaps in another life I was a lawyer...perhaps not, but the fact still remains that I really do get excited when I get a jury summons.
In AZ, you can only serve JD every 2 years. I was fortunate to serve in 2006, and chosen to sit on a jury of 9 for a 3 day trial. I loved it. Almost exactly 2 years later, I was called again. My hopes of serving my country were soon crushed when I called in the night before to confirm my attendance and heard, "Your services are not needed at this time."
Fear not! I was shortly called again for duty yesterday. I waited with baited breath until 4:30 to once again call the attendance line, where upon I was thrilled to hear that I WAS required to attend. I waited 90 minutes in the courthouse jury waiting room before my group number was called. With hopes & spirits both held high, I gathered my things and reported to the counter, anxiously awaiting further instructions. Quite surprisingly (and unfortunately) I was told that I was dismissed.
I am not ashamed to admit that I am anxiously counting down the next 730 days until I am back in the running for another day in the life of a Juror.
okay, you are a total goof!
I've never served as a member of the Jury, because I can't find anyone to watch the kids for that long.... Ohh well. I guess It's not my time yet.
I don't think I'd be very impartial though. I would want the crooks to fry. hehe... I'm kinda morbid.
I would LOVE to serve on a jury--so cool! Am crossing my fingers for your next opportunity! Maybe it will be the BIG ONE!
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