Friday, December 12, 2008

10 things that made me smile this morning

It occurred to me on my way to work that there were more things that made me smile than usual, so I thought I'd share them with you. Share the love, right?

1. I realized that it's FRIDAY

2. The moon was nearly full and glazed over with nimbus clouds. It was simply stunning, and I am only sad that I didn't have time to take a picture to share

3. Jadyn said, "No sing, Mommy!" as I harmonized with the Christmas carols this morning. As soon as I stopped singing, I heard her sweet little voice tra-la-la-ing with the songs. I turned the music down a little so that I could hear her better. It made my heart melt!

4. There was a big guy on his Harley this morning parked next to me at a stop light. He was wearing a big fluffy red Santa hat.

5. There was a house decorated so beautifully that it literally stopped traffic

6. I found gas for $1.49 / gallon

7. Paige called me to tell me that they were on their way to the bus stop, but this is how she said it, "Hi, we're out & about...on our way out." I chuckled and called her Dr. Seuss

8. A 6 year old called into the radio station I listen to and sang Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer...the best he could.

9. The sunrise was breathtaking

10. I had a delicious cup of hot cocoa on the way to work...spiced up with Creme Brule creamer

1 comment:

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

I love happy things.

My happy thing right now is the kids aren't fighting.

I say that one good thing is enough today. :o)