Monday, December 8, 2008

It was a good weekend.

This weekend was awesome. I got a lot of MUCH needed cleaning done, hung out with friends, we (almost) finished our rock waterfall (testing it today), got some rest, and even fit in a nice visit with my sister & brother-in-law & my nieces. Elmo set up a visit with them to see The Nutcracker, which really surprised me. I am REALLY into the arts, especially musicals. Since we've been married, Elmo has gifted me a few musicals and has learned to love them as well. This, however, was our first ballet, and I was a little concerned with how the kids would like it. To my delight, everyone had an excellent time. Jadyn was SO GOOD, which is saying a lot since she went all day without a nap. She was so invoked with the dancing & tutus. I don't know many 2 year olds who are able to sit through an ENTIRE ballet without fussing, crying, or talking even once. She is defiantly going to be our little dancer.

I love this age. Two year olds are so inquisitive and trusting. Several parts of the ballet were funny, and when I would laugh, Jadyn would say, "What mommy? Huh?" She was so interested in what was going on. When the rats came out she said, "*Gasp* Monsters!" Or when the Nutcracker came alive after a big explosion she said, "Scawy Mommy!" When one of my nieces would ask my sister in law a question, Jadyn would give them a loud "SHHH", and at every opportunity for applause, she joined right in. She was so funny! Paige really liked it too, and was very impressed with the dancing of the kids in the ballet. Coleton, on the other hand, would have really rather been somewhere else, and I noticed a few times his hands deliberately in his lap in an attempt to veto the applause. At least he was well behaved, even if he wasn't entertained!

More great thing that happened while we were at the Nutcracker....

1. SANTA WAS THERE. Check one more thing off the "to do" list. I did NOT want to go the the mall & wait in line this year.

2. I got another Nutcracker (I collect them). It's really pretty, themed around the peppermint swirl candies; it's white with red glitter stripes, a peppermint candy staff, and red feathered hat. Yay! Now, if Elmo could just find time to make me a shelf to display them all....


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

How fun! I have never seen the Nutcracker. Not even the Barbie version-ha ha! That is on my 'to do list' of life.
I'm glad you killed a few birds with one stone. Doesn't it make you feel great when this happens??

Rachel Holloway said...

I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!! REALLY, REALLY HAPPY you had a great weekend and enjoyed such a GREAT time with people you love.

Yeah for you!