Today was chilly...and we were bored. Paige has been begging us to take her to see HSM3 since it came out (if you don't know what that's time to come out from under your rock.), but being the INCREDIBLY busy person I am, I haven't had the (motivation, drive, longing, patience) time to do it. Luckily, since we were all so bored today, Elmo (being the most incredible dad and husband) took it upon himself to VOLUNTEER for the job today. (Thanks Hun!) I, on the other hand, had NO DESIRE to sit on my rump and watch a mivie, so I took Coleton & Jadyn to the Science Center...a. because it was Indoor b. because I could let Jadyn run free without having to worry about her breaking something or getting lost.
Here are some pictures...I am a brave mom for taking them both on my was a bad day for Jadyn...2 accidents within 30 minutes. Thank goodness I was prepared!

This was a wheelchair race so kids could see what different muscles you had to use if you were wheelchair bound. They really like it!

OK, so before you look at the rest of the pictures, let me explain. I was laughing so hard, I just had to take some pictures to show Elmo when we got home. You know the "fun house" mirrors that make you look fat or thin or short or tall? This was the same concept, except you sat in a chair in front of a camera that took your image and projected it onto a HUGE screen for everyone to see (which is why I was only in 1 picture). Then you push different buttons to see how it distorts your image. It was hilarious. I was literally about to pee my pants because I was laughing so hard.
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