Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Forces of Nature

At the Science Museum today, we watched an "interactive" movie about the forces of nature. It was probably one of the neatest "movies" I've ever watched.

As it spoke of various forces of nature, you actually felt like you were experiencing it first hand. For example, when it spoke of volcanoes, there were heat lamps that cooked you overhead. As it spoke of tornadoes, there was an incredibly strong fan that blew so hard you had to hold something to keep your balance, and (since we're in Arizona) as it spoke of Monsoons, there was a combination of strong wind and (you guessed it) cold rain. Luckily, we were in a section that was mainly small drops to mist, so we didn't get too wet!

My point of this detailed encounter, is that not more than 15 minutes after we got home, the blue sky suddenly filled with grey clouds that threatened rain. After only a few more minutes, thunder crashed down and it was soon pouring. Being a true lover of thunderstorms, I rushed outside to enjoy it as I clicked through the pictures I took at the museum. Paige followed to take full advantage of being able to use her umbrella, a rare occurrence here in AZ...especially this time of year!

Moments later, the sound of rain changed to a louder "tink" sound. I looked up, and to my shock and amazement, it was HAILING! I was lucky that I had my camera ready to take some impromptu shots!

Nature is truly amazing.


Rachel Holloway said...

Hey! I didn't know you had a family blog too!! Is this it for real? Or am I commenting on some strangers blog and they are going to freak out and go private now??

Well, if it IS you, these are GREAT PICTURES! Seroiusly!!!

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

These are beautiful pictures!
Great job getting such great shots!