Monday, May 4, 2009

Bath time

As I type, Paige is VOLUNTARILY playing with Jadyn in the tub...sans bribery, threats, or my asking!

I am surrounded by the sound of the sweetest little giggles and voices. What ever big sister Paige is doing my 2 year old finds it absolutely hilarious.

It's times like this that make me beam with pride and inner peace; a smile overcomes my face as I eavesdrop on their conversation:

Paige: "Jadyn, did you know you have a freckle on your butt?"

Jadyn: "No, my not!" (translation, no I don't)

P: "yes you do. It's tiny."

J: "oh. it's tiny? Oh."

P: Let's finish washing your hair."

J: "Paige, you want to play in my rooooom?"

P: "Sure. Let's finish your bath first."

J: "OK. I done now. We go play."

P: "Ok. Let me get you a towel."

J: "Paige? I have a fekkle on my butt?"

P: "Yep!"

Got to love kids. Such a simple, sweet, innocent, and informative conversation!

1 comment:

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

Love it!
They are just so sweet :)

Those types of conversations just make you say "I'm glad to be a mother".