Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Free and Clear

I wanted to update you all on Jadyn's current condition.

I took her in for her re-check appointment Monday afternoon, and she was MUCH better. Her ears are still a little pink, but a lot less swollen and the infection is almost gone. Her lungs sounded so much better that we didn't even need to re-visit the torture chamber for another x-ray! I was thrilled!!

Jadyn is back to her normal spunky & sweet self...and we are all enjoying it!

Thanks for all of your thoughts & prayers.

On the down side...I learned the hard way that laying next to a toddler with "the plague" as she coughs in your face doesn't make you immune. I now, have been hit with her yucky virus, which I think has turned into a sinus infection. YUCK!

On the upside...at least my throat doesn't hurt anymore!

Hey, I've got to be optomisitc, right??

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