Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Random act of kindness...

Have you ever seen the movie "Pay it Forward?" It's about a boy who is given an homework assignment to somehow change the world. His idea is to do 3 random acts of kindness to 3 separate people, and as payment asks them to pay it forward, or follow his lead. In a world filled with such hatred, violence, and sadness, wouldn't it be comforting to know that random acts of kindness still existed?

I'm writing today to let you know that, although rare, random acts of kindness DO in fact still exist. How do I know, you may ask? I was the recipient of such an act this morning.

Every year (like million of others) I look forward to Starbuck's Red cups. For those of you NOT familiar with what those are, they are the holiday drinks that Starbucks concocts, from adding ingredients like pumpkin, peppermint, eggnog & gingerbread. YUMMM. I allow myself 3-4 of these liquid meals (calories must be staggering) a year, and this morning was my first. Rather than getting out of the car, I went through the drive-thru. I ordered a tall non-fat peppermint white mocha hot chocolate. As it was my turn to pay, the cashier said, "The lady in front of you paid for your drink and hopes that you have a wonderful day." I was shocked, and had a HUGE smile on my face.

I am on cloud 9 right now. Who knew that such a small random act of kindness could make me feel so happy?

I for one, am making it my personal goal to "Pay it forward" as often as I can. If a $3 drink did it of me, imagine what I could do to make others happy with simple random acts of kindness.

I hope you will too!


Mom said...

I, for one, think that this is the perfect season to do random acts of kindness. I wish people everywhere would carry this throughout the year. It all starts with 1 person. Thanks for reminding me....xxxooo

Rachel Holloway said...

I agree! What a great thing to make your day. I could definitely do more to think of others! Thanks for reminding me!

Anonymous said...

Great Minds Think Alike:) That was AWESOME:)