Friday, November 14, 2008

Pioneer Living....

Today I skipped out of work and joined Coleton on a field trip through time to a little town called Pioneer Living. I can't believe that I've been in AZ now for 9 years, and NEVER knew this place existed. It was pretty cool! I remember one of my utmost FAVORITE things to do as a family when I was young was visiting a place called Sturbrige Village. The place we went to today was a lot like it, except you couldn't actually go in any of the buildings except the bank & Victorian house since they were actually real & preserved from the early 1800's. I think I remember going in the houses at Sturbrige Village, but maybe not!

I originally volunteered as a chaperon with GREAT hesitation. I have to admit (having known nothing about this hidden gem) I thought it would be some boring, low funded, 45 minute walk-through stuffy museum, and really didn't want to go. The permission slip that Coleton brought home said, "Parents~ We are only accepting 4 chaperons for this field trip, so it will be on a 1st come basis." I waited 10 days before sending in the permission slip, assuming that would have been MORE than enough time for other parent's to fill the 4 slots...WRONG. The next day, Coleton brought home a paper that said, "Mrs. Trevino ~ Thank you so much for volunteering! The details are as follows....." I'm glad now that hings worked out as they did.

I was blessed with a group of 7 kids (Coleton included) that were WONDERFUL, and the day was simply beautiful. I couldn't have asked for a more pleasant experience.

These were my kids...great bunch!

These were taken during the gun show they out on...AFTER a lengthy discussion on gun safety, which I thought was VERY responsible.

Can you imagine wearing this EVERY DAY even while tilling the land? YIKES...and NO THANK YOU!

He was getting carted off to jail for robbing the bank.

This was the church

Inside the church

In the bank

Coleton in front of a MOCK grave. I wouldn't let his pose like this if it were REAL!

The Blacksmith. He made a nail for us.

Inside the Victorian house, a little girl's room

Authentic 19th Century dolls
Sheriff's Office...obviously.
I only had to threaten to use this noose once! (Just kidding!)

The school house (the kids were all thankful that they go to school in the 21st century!)

The teacher's house...behind the school. Doesn't her bed look COMFY??!!

Nice shot of a cactus while I was there

1 comment:

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

What a really cool place to visit! I bet you are super glad that you could go with Colton. He's such a cutie!