Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crazy 8's

Crazy 8's

The 8 Things Tag...
(Thanks Breezi. :o)

8 TV shows I love to watch:
1. House
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Desperate Housewives
4. Lost
5. Jon & Kate plus 8
6. Super Nanny (makes me feel like a GREAT mom)
7. Fringe
8. Heroes

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Applebee's
2. PF Chang's
3. Paradise Bakery
4. Red Robin
5. Chipoltle
6. Cheesecake Factory
7. Oh-So
8. I-Hop (I'm a breakfast kind of girl!)

8 Things that happened today
1. I woke up
2. Showered
3. Got kids ready for school
4. Ate Oatmeal
5. Did some work
6. Talked
7. ate lunch
8. wrote this blog

8 things that I look forward to:
1. Coleton's field trip tomorrow
2. Christmas
3. a week off of boot camp
4. the weekend
5. having Family come to visit
6. when the kids go to bed
7. Any Girls night out
8. Snuggle time with Elmo

8 Things on my wish list:
1. Time to myself
2. no debt
3. Family closer
4. horses
5. a lot of land for horses
6. a personal chef
7. better body
8. World Peace (or just more peace in my life would be a good starting point)

8 People I tag:
Anyone who reads're chosen!

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