Friday, September 9, 2011

Playing Catch-up

I interrupt this 2 year silence for the following announcement....


I cannot believe it has been so long since I last blogged. I mean, I can because I haven't been blogging, but where does time fly? Days, weeks, months and even years have been flying past as if they're only minutes, and I can't believe how big the kids are getting.

Most of anyone who reads this is in my life one way or another, so the happenings of the Trevino family aren't much news.

Paige is in 7th grade and has 3 male teachers. Between me & you, I think she has a major crush on one of them. Funny...I had a teacher named Mr. Leeds for English my 7th & 8th grade years that I thought was the cat's meow too! She, as expected, is excelling in every aspect. The kids brought home their progress reports yesterday, and she has all A+, except in Language arts, which she has an A-. I am very concerned for her (insert sarcasm).

Her volleyball season started up again this week, and once again I have volunteered myself to be her coach. This season, we're in the 12-14 division, which means a few things.
* we can FINALLY be competitive rather than tell the kids it's only about having fun
* we get (have) to play by the real rules of the game, not the silly modified rules we've been following
* the girls have all (but 2) played 2+ seasons, which means we can jump right in and play rather than teach.
* these girls are FINALLY tall enough to block and spike, and can better understand how to set!

We're very excited to see how we progress. I was so pleasantly surprised when I met the team Wednesday.

Mr. Coleton is still my ball of love and humor. He is definitely the most optimistic and light-hearted of the kids. He is in his 3rd season of tackle football, but it may well be his last. He has his sights set solely on basketball, which is odd to me. He is pretty talented when it comes to sports, so no doubt he'll do well, but I will miss his football days if he sticks to his decision to only play one sport. Currently, he is playing the kicker and defensive line positions, and is occasionally asked to play running back. Most days he gives 100%, but there are some days that you can see his heart is not there. I try to reason with myself and give him a is still 110° here and he is in full pads, long pants and heavy socks. I don't think I'd give my all either.

The boy, as we call him, is in 5th grade this year, the last year in his elementary school. He is the only one of the kids to have been in the same school since Kindergarten. When we walk around on campus, EVERYONE knows Coleton. It's rather amusing. My little B.M.O.C. He is such a likable kid, wants to please and so easy going (most of the time) So far, this year, he's doing very well; 4 A's & 2 B's. We're very proud of him because, unlike Paige, Coleton really has to work to keep his grades up. We're on him like flies know.

Miss Diva, I mean Jadyn, started Kindergarten this year. I know I've said it before, but I have to say it again, she is the PERFECT blend of Paige & Coleton. She is so so so smart; willing to learn and absorb any and every piece of knowledge you have to offer. We put her in early this year for that fact since she's already reading. I didn't see the point in holding her back a whole year just because she missed the "5 year old" deadline. Luckily, in AZ, you can test a child into charter school kindergarten early, as long as they're 5 by Dec 31. She was very shy on the initial assessment, but apparently made up for it with her academic knowledge, because she passed the test! Now, she's 1 month into the school year and LOVES it. Her teacher, Ms. Banks, is such a delight, and entertains the kids will all kinds on silly voices and antics. Jadyn loves her to death and thinks she is the bomb diggity.

Jadyn is also a natural dancer. You should see this kid. I don't know where she gets it from, it sure ain't her parents! This year she is in 3 dance classes, Intro to Dance (ballet & Tap), Hip Hop, and (my personal favorite) Acro 2. Why do I add the "2" in there? What does it mean? I'm so glad you asked! The class she's in is a 6-7 year old class, to be part of by INVITATION ONLY after Acro 1 is complete. This is a big deal. Why? Because not only is Jadyn only 4, but she has never taken Acro of any sort. The teacher of the class had been watching Jadyn cartwheel herself around the studio without my knowing and asked her to be in the class. I love it! The strides this little girl has made in only 2 months is remarkable. She can fall into a back bend by herself, do handstands and headstands, 1 handed cartwheels, and so much more. She amazes me, and I dare say I will NEVER get tired of watching her perform. She's a natural beauty, and she melts my heart every day.

As for the ole' ma & pa of the family, we're both doing well. Not really much changes on our front; our lives' sole purpose is to serve the kids, right?!? Well, that's what they tell us any way.

I am, if you're interested, embarking on a new path to weight loss and health. I'll blog about it HERE

Be sure to check it often to see how I'm doing!

1 comment:

Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

You're alive!!!!

I'm so glad you got back onto the grid. I've missed catching up on your family. :)

.... sheesh, it's not like you've been busy or anything. HA!