His first trip was just shy of his 1st birthday, when we were on vacation in California at Disneyland. One night, Coleton, still crawling, was on one of the hotel beds and fell off. (please keep all judgements of my Mommy skills to yourself). Anyway, he hardly cried, but I noticed he wasn't using his arm when he crawled once I put him down, so we decided to take him to the closest ER. After waiting 4 hours in a busy CA hospital (by this time Coleton was tired & crying), he was x-rayed and we were told he had BENT his arm (baby bones are limber, so they bend rather than break). He made a complete recovery.
His trip last night was caused by his poor steering skills while riding his bike. He failed to avoid slamming into the very large, very blue recycling bin in front of our house...don't ask. Luckily, he was wearing his helmet, but his poor chin lacked protection...again, please keep all judgements of my Mommy skills to yourself. :0)
As you may remember, Thursdays are my BuSy days (as opposed to my non-busy days??), so I was in the middle of doing Jadyn's hair for ballet when a frantic husband of mine screamed for me to bring medical supplies from the bottom of the stairs. I plopped Jadyn off the bathroom counter and gathered my plethora of first aid supplies, not sure of what I was headed for, and ran down the stairs.
Elmo had Coleton sitting on the counter with a stash of paper towels firmly pressed against his chin, and yelled, "What took you so long? I told you to hurry!"
Now, before you pass judgement on Elmo's irrational behavior, there's something you should know. Elmo HATES blood. Not so much the sight of it, but knowing it means someone he loves is hurt. He is THE MOST CONCERNED parent I have ever seen...and reacts so drastically to their owies, fevers, sicknesses etc, it's actually very sweet & almost humorous (not necessarily in the heat of the moment, but in hindsight, anyway).
Enter the more level-headed, calm, and rational parent...
I took one look at Coleton's chin and knew that it needed stitches. It was a small cut (no more than an inch) and I probably would have been OK cleaning it out & putting a butterfly band aid on it, but if you knew how Coleton reacted to owies (even a scratch) like I do, you would have opted for the ER too.

It took about 70 minutes before we were called into a room where we waited an additional 20 minutes. In the meantime, Coleton decided it would be best to avoid running to the light and played a game on my phone instead (Glad he didn't think it was his time to go yet).
FINALLY, the Dr. came in to assess Coleton's emergency. Coleton showed him the cut without hesitation...his cooperation began & ended there. Once the Dr. arrived with some good old hydrogen peroxide and sterile cotton, Coleton became possessed. The Dr. and I both restrained him in an attempt to begin our exorcism. My possessed child began screaming, kicking, punching and shouting out curses in a foreign tongue. We finally managed to dab his chin with the peroxide, and once the Holy Water hit his skin, the exorcism was complete.
Coleton quickly realized, "Hmmm....that didn't hurt at all." I was thoroughly embarrassed.
The Dr. advised me that he would need a few stitches, but for fear of the demons re-posessing the child, he thought it best to try skin glue instead. I agreed.
After 5 minutes of the Dr. reassuring Coleton that the glue would not hurt, Coleton laid back down. 1 minute later, he was all sealed up. The cut isn't pretty and will leave a big scar, but it's closed and sealed from infection. Since girls supposedly "dig" scars, it's a win-win scenario.
The Dr. ordered no P.E. or sports for a week. Fat chance. Coleton has a football game on Saturday! I'll be bringing a new tube of super glue with us...just in case!
Again...I ask you...please keep all judgements of my Mommy skills to yourself.
lol! Kids are great eh?
I couldn't stop laughing while you were describing your demon child. Alli and him would get along great! Yesterday Alli got a little scrape on her foot. She limped ALL DAY!.
Also when she was 2 and getting x-rays and VCUG's and all sorts of other tests done for her urinary reflux disease, she had to have 6 yes 6 nurses holding her down. That kid can fight!
ohh.... These kids of ours are going to earn us some gray hairs! lol.
(Glad that Colton is going to be okay.)
Oh my...that was hilarious! Having been in your situation many times before with you and your siblings, I can fully relate to Cole becoming posessed. At least he never did what Bobbie did....all I'll say is a 4 yr. old with a zip up sleeper in the middle of the night trying to go to the bathroom, OUCH!...ER--- Bobbie proceeded to take out all the stitches within 10 min. of getting home. Needless to say, the Dr. didn't want to restitch. Luckily, the tender injury area heals very quickly. I think there were 4 dr's and 3 nurses holding him down. He still managed to move. You can offer a possessed child everything under the sun and it doesn't seem to have any affect...lol
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