I managed to get everyone fed, homework done, books read, clothes changed & packed, & snacks prepared, all by 4:45, so I showed up to the dance studio a few minutes early for her trial class. Miss Katie is Jadyn's instructor, and the nicest person. I forewarned her that I was doubtful Jadyn would enter the studio without me, as the door would be closed and a constant visual check wouldn't be available. She let me know that she starts all new kids off by letting them know that their mommies *or daddies* are right on the other side of a one way mirror. I was momentarily put at ease as I laced Jadyn's tap shoes and slipped them on her feet. So far, so good...since the day prior she acted as though the tap shoes had razor blades in them and WOULD NOT let me put them on. She took the hand of another little girl and walked into the studio. Wow! I couldn't believe it! They closed the door....and Jadyn was so preoccupied with her new friends that she didn't notice I remained on the other side. I made the comment to another mom that I couldn't believe she went in without me...and I kid you not...5 seconds later Jadyn realized I wasn't there and let out such a high pitched loud scream that all of the little girls put their hands over their ears. Needless to say, Miss Katie asked if I would like to join them in the room.

Although there were a few moments of Monkey See, Monkey Do, Jadyn was overall attentive and obedient to Miss Katie's instructions. After the session was over, Miss Katie told me that Jadyn did excellent and that she thought I should enroll Jadyn NOW vs. when she turns 3 (in October). Technically, the class is for 3-5 year olds, but I guess Jadyn's ability and love of dance got her an early spot! Yay!
After class, we rushed out to the car, stripped down to undies, redressed in warm clothes, and were off to Coleton's football practice. I sat Jadyn down on a blanket with a cup of cheese cubes & grapes so that I could (for once) watch my little guy do his thing. He is amazing! It's not certain yet, but I do believe that this season Coleton may be made the QB! His aim is spot on when he throws and 9/10 the receiver makes the catch and scores a TD. Man, does he have an arm that child of mine! I am so glad that this season is filled with COACHES who know how to coach...unlike its predecessor of "do what ever you want" coaches. I was able to stay about 30 minutes and then was off again to boot camp. Should you feel compelled to read about that adventure...please click HERE.
Today I am excited to be purchasing a VERY good bike off of a guy from Craig's list for a nominal fee...25% of it's value! I am stoked, since the bike that currently resides in my garage isn't worth 1% of it's original cost. Note to self...Wal Mart is NOT the place to buy a bike of value as they tend to work only 1 -2 weeks. FINALLY I will be able to take my kidletts on night treks and day time trips to the park again.
Yes my friends, life is grand.
1 comment:
so super cute! I love it! How awesome that she "made the cut"--she is a beautiful ballerina!
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