Christmas was great. It was the smallest we've ever had...people wise...but that was just fine with me. Christmas morning was odd, because we usually have so many people over for gift exchanging and breakfast, however this year was just us and my dad. I really enjoyed this year, because it was so much less hectic, and I was able to take WAY too many pictures and enjoy the kid's excitement without having to entertain others as well. There was no time crunch, no rushing, and I loved every second of it.

I hosted Christmas dinner this year. My dad was there, along with my brother Ed & his wife, so again, a very small group. For those of you who do NOT know me...we usually have at least 12-15 people, so 8 was a nice small group. Dinner was completely relaxed and there was a lot of help with the clean up, which was so nice.
The Saturday following Christmas, I decided to take the kids up to Flagstaff...alone. Elmo simply didn't want to go...and being the MARVELOUS wife & mom that I am, I didn't make him tag along...but still took the kids. They were, over all, EXCELLENT...but let me tell you...that was A LOT of work. When we got to Flagstaff...(note to self...the drive is 3 1/2 hours...not 2)...we were all very hungry. The roads were still bad from the last snowfall, so access to certain areas were not worth the risk. People were sliding all over and getting stuck on the side of the road. I tried to make it to a Fazzoli's...and realized 15 minutes later that it was closed. Plan B was The Olive Garden, since it was in view. After parking...and making sure that I would be able to back out once we returned to the car, we went in and ate a very nice (and warm) lunch. The temperature while we were there was 21°, but I didn't think it was too chilly since there was no wind.
Once our tummies were all full, I made the executive decision to NOT continue driving to the area meant for snow play...partly because I didn't want to risk our lives driving the bad roads, and partly because I didn't want to fight the mass of people also eating at The Olive Garden and making their way to the same destination. I found a wooded area that I deemed perfect for snow was off a side road and the beautiful snow hadn't been touched. It was PERFECT...perfect to play in, perfect to let loose, and perfect for LOTS of pictures. The only downside was that there were no hills to sled down...which was fine because I didn't have a sled. The kids didn't mind either, because they're naive and don't realize that sledding is a lot more fun than building snow forts. Win-Win scenario!
The Saturday following Christmas, I decided to take the kids up to Flagstaff...alone. Elmo simply didn't want to go...and being the MARVELOUS wife & mom that I am, I didn't make him tag along...but still took the kids. They were, over all, EXCELLENT...but let me tell you...that was A LOT of work. When we got to Flagstaff...(note to self...the drive is 3 1/2 hours...not 2)...we were all very hungry. The roads were still bad from the last snowfall, so access to certain areas were not worth the risk. People were sliding all over and getting stuck on the side of the road. I tried to make it to a Fazzoli's...and realized 15 minutes later that it was closed. Plan B was The Olive Garden, since it was in view. After parking...and making sure that I would be able to back out once we returned to the car, we went in and ate a very nice (and warm) lunch. The temperature while we were there was 21°, but I didn't think it was too chilly since there was no wind.
Once our tummies were all full, I made the executive decision to NOT continue driving to the area meant for snow play...partly because I didn't want to risk our lives driving the bad roads, and partly because I didn't want to fight the mass of people also eating at The Olive Garden and making their way to the same destination. I found a wooded area that I deemed perfect for snow was off a side road and the beautiful snow hadn't been touched. It was PERFECT...perfect to play in, perfect to let loose, and perfect for LOTS of pictures. The only downside was that there were no hills to sled down...which was fine because I didn't have a sled. The kids didn't mind either, because they're naive and don't realize that sledding is a lot more fun than building snow forts. Win-Win scenario!

We spent a few hours there and left when Jadyn realized that she couldn't feel her fingers or toes anymore...and started to have the MOTHER of all melt downs. Note to self...Jadyn loves playing in the snow, but does NOT like the burning sensation that is experienced while warming back up. Even though I changed her clothes TWICE to make sure that she was dry and warm, I didn't prepare for the aftermath...where once in a warm car, little fingers & toes that were cold BURN like heck when they're warming up. I spent the first 30 minutes after we were done playing, stripping & redressing kids, the next 30 minutes getting them some hot cocoa and fries to snack on...all the while trying to calm down a VERY upset (and tired) 2 year old. I have NEVER dealt with a meltdown like that in my life...and hope to never again.
After all that...I still had a 3 1/2 hour drive back home. What a day...I sure do LOVE my kids...and it was a fun day.
After that little trip, the next big thing to happen was my sister & brother-in-law (Heather & Doug) came down for my dad's wedding. They arrived the night of 12-30. Heather & I spent New Year's Eve at the mall shopping for a dress for me to wear at my dad's wedding. It was fun. We only had Jadyn, who couldn't have been better. She was an angel...really really good...and allowed us to shop 'till we dropped. I found a dress, some shirts, and also managed to get some things for Elmo & the kids that we needed for the wedding. Overall, it was an incredibly productive day.
When we got home, Heather & Doug went for a jog while I prepared for the night's feast of cheeses, crackers, and loads of other unhealthy things. YUM! We played games, ate, talked, watched TV....and still only managed to stay up until 11:30...but to be was really 1:30 THEIR HAPPY NEW YEAR!
The next morning, bright & early, we left to run in the New Year's Day 5K. If you want to read about can click HERE.
That night was my dad's rehearsal dinner, hosted by my dad & brother.
The next day was the day of my dad's wedding. I had 3 kids in the wedding, so I was a little too busy getting them ready to take pictures. I'm sure some were taken somewhere...and when I see some worth seeing...I'll post them for your enjoyment! All 3 of my kids were beautiful...but I may be a little impartial. The bride & groom didn't look so bad themselves!
Heather & Doug went home on Sunday...and though I was sad to see them go, I am glad that things are back to normal. I miss them already, but I am glad things have slowed down again and that I can resume my daily routine.
Happy New Year to you all! It's good to be back!
1 comment:
I didn't realize that Arizona had snow! Wow..
I need to make your pay it forward gift... It'll be in the mail by the end of the week :)
Could you e-mail me your address again?
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