I have decided this year to NOT punish myself by
eliminating most of my traditional baked treats. This helps not only with
decreasing the level of stress I impose on myself, but also removes the
temptation of eating such delicacies that are better left unmentioned.
Having said that, there are those certain traditions that can not be dropped.
Christmas eggnog, for example, is a holiday MUST in our family. As are the
Christmas morning treats known in my family as Pecan Sticky Buns. Elmo's mom
ALWAYS makes Tamales, and for him I will attempt (for the first time EVER) to
make them as well, since his mom moved to Texas and will not ship any to us.
News to follow later on how that pans out.
The last Christmas baking tradition that I can not elude is Sugar cookies.
Though I could really do without this cookie, I wouldn't miss out on the joy
decorating them brings to us. That, and we need something to leave Christmas
Eve for Santa. It is after all, the first year that Jadyn would be able to
help, and I must acknowledge the fact that there won't be many more years where
both Paige & Coleton will voluntarily participate.
Now, you may notice (or at least will now) that Jadyn's cookie is...well, let's
be honest...BURNT. This is NOT my way of telling her that her decorating was
less worthy of good cookies, but rather, my failed attempt to get her to STOP
eating the cookie she was decorating. After the 3rd attempt of getting her to
DECORATE the cookie rather than eat it, I decided to give her one that she may
not want to eat...aka a garbage cookie. Then, once she realized that DECORATING
was FAR MORE FUN than eating, I would transition her back to the edible
cookies. We never got that far...as you can see.
How to get an immediate sugar rush for the first
time when you're 2 years old:
Step 1: Take your Zooables plastic monkey knife & dip it in a bowl of frosting
Step 2: Take freshly dipped knife filled with
frosting & stuff it in your mouth |
Step 3: Sit back & enjoy the ride. |
Who knew that decorating cookies could be so
1 comment:
We haven't decorated cookies yet... In fact I almost forgot that Santa is going to need some... humm....
Sounds like a job for the Pilsbury Dough Boy.
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