Tuesday, December 16, 2008

It's beginning to look feel like Christmas

The weekend was pretty chilly! The forecast called for rain, rain & more rain, but alas there was none.

As tradition, I take a miniature Christmas tree to Bobby's grave every year & decorate it while I'm there. This year, I was a little late, and ended up taking it this past weekend. I lovingly & patiently quickly tried in vain to decorate with TLC and precision, as my fingers were literally frozen. It was so chilly that Elmo had to take Jadyn to wait in the car...can't have sick kids for Christmas! The finished tree was stunningly beautiful, a picture perfect "Martha Stewart" worthy specimen looked more like a child decorated it than I...but I know Bobby will understand! Pictures will follow...

Yesterday....and today for that matter....the rain came. It's cold (in the 40's) & wet...and really has sparked the Christmas mood in me. Reminds me of what I miss this time of year back East.

I'm hoping that some of this rain will be snow up north so that we can play a day in the snow when the kids are off.

9 days & counting!


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

it's really chilly here today too.
We've been really lucky and not been apart of that ice storm.....
but I think that this chill in the air will make up for it all.


Melanie said...

Heather said that a lot of people are still out of power where she is (NH) and aren't expected to get it back until this weekend! YIKES!!

Mom said...

Thanks Mel...I can always count on you to do the extra special things...and to get me to cry...sniff. I love you!

Rachel Holloway said...

I am glad you are feeling that extra Christmas spark through the weather!! :) Who knows, you might just get snow! :)