Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Finally...back on track

It seems like when the holidays show up, everything else in my life takes a seat on the back burner. I shouldn't complain...work is FINALLY picking back up (thanks heavens), things are running smoothly...but it seems that I'm even MORE pressed for time now than ever. I didn't even know that that was possible!

Every time I turn around, there is something else that needs to be done...decorating the house, putting up lights, finishing projects that were started a few weeks ago, paying attention to the kids, sewing ripped arms on animals or doll stroller seats (that only ripped because a certain 9 year old thought it would be a good idea to push a certain 2 year old in it), calling the other side of the world for tech support on my computer that died again...after only 2 months of having it back (Don't buy Toshiba!), baking, Christmas cards, cleaning out the car from a messy toddler...NOT including the upkeep of the house. I swear...it feels like more this year than any other there is SO much to do and I haven't any time.

Thanksgiving was a nice change of pace. It was at my Dad's house, so all I was responsible for were the pies (pumpkin, pecan, & apple) and green bean something. And even though I only had those few items, I was STILL baking from the night before until 30 minutes before we left. My dad's fiance Trish was there this year along with her son Brian & his girlfriend Gouda (from Latvia). They are all very nice people, and it was a great day. There was, of course, enough food to feed an army, and with new family members comes new recipes. The sweet potatoes this year were AMAZING.

Having a few days off to umm....relax....was nice, and much needed, although 'relax' isn't the word I would use. Quite the opposite. But, we got a lot done, and it's nice to FINALLY be officially in the Christmas Spirit. Back to the daily grind...at least for a few weeks.

I am so thankful for my family, my job, my kids, my house, and everything that I am blessed to have in my life. I looking forward to seeing family (ESPECIALLY HEATHER!!) again soon, and am sad that a few members won't be here to celebrate with us.

Hope you all had a great day too, and that you're feeling the Christmas spirit as I am.


Breezi@ Not Your Average Fairytale said...

Man, Are we in the same boat or what??
Nothing seems to be getting done around here either. Even though I stay at home with the kids, it seems like I'm never "with" them. There is just too much to get done!
Ohh the joys of being 'The Mom'

Rachel Holloway said...

It's true. Even being a stay at home mom there is so much time that goes by that I don't get to spend with them because I am frantically trying to do so many other things around the house.

Oh, funny thing, our sweet potatoes this year were from HEAVEN as well! Someone else made them and I will DEFINITELY be copying that recipe next year!