I think the day that I've been dreading for 9 years has finally come. This morning, as always, I was telling the kids "goodbye" before school. I always say, "Have a good day, be good, and I love you." and they say "I love you too."
This morning however, only Coleton said it. Paige just said, "Have a good day too." I said, "I love you." and she said, "OK." Only after whinning and saying "Moooooomm!" did she return a mumbled and fast "Iloveyoutoo."
I don't want to believe that at 9 years old, my daughter is already getting embarassed to tell me she loves me with friends around. Heck, it's not like I kiss her in front of them...often.
I don't know what to do. Should I shrug it off as a one timer, or should I ask her about it? Do I simply let it pass as "one of those stages in life" or keep trying to get the reciprocated phrase? Should I maybe talk to her and let her know that I understand if she's embarassed and work on another "secret" way for her to tell me she loves me without saying it?
I hate that they're growing so quickly. I am so afraid that tomorrow I'll be saying goodby as they leave for college...
I know I'm being dramatic, but this really bothered me and made me depressed. I don't ever want my kids to feel embarassed to tell those they love how they feel.
Where did my baby go?
1 comment:
I think it's perfectly normal for kids (and they all have their own time) to start to feel more independent and get embarrassed by we "moms" telling them we love them. I think it would be a great idea for the 2 of you to have your own "secret" signal (maybe a tug on your ear) when you have to part ways in the mornings. That would make her feel important and give her a way to express herself without actually "saying" it. You never know; she may want to continue with your sign language for years to come.
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